San Francisco Startups List

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Meet 6 CTO View everyone

ID 23545

Matt Wallington

Technical cofounder of @cargo. Previously cofounded @cpusage & @gridvid-me-1, launched distributed cloud compute platform at TechCrunch Disrupt. 10 yrs @intel.

ID 452279

Yishai Lerner

Founder @mob-ly, @goodrec • Worked at @groupon, @carrier-iq • Studied at @massachusetts-institute-of-technology

ID 62237

Brian Woods


Co-founder/CTO Hellobit. 20+ years product dev. Founded 3 startups, involved in 8. 9 patents. Four11 alum (sold to Yahoo), head of viral Bebo (sold to AOL)

ID 103317

Nick Sullivan


Founder @ChangeTip, Partner @bitcoin-syndicate, Geek [on a plane], team builder, creationeer, morale officer, mentor, zip line builder

ID 167383

Stan P. van de Burgt


Entrepreneur, Angel; Co-founder of @watchmouse (acquired by CA Technologies), @q-go (acquired by Rightnow/Oracle), DMO, @cloudspeakers, Geobrand;

ID 110056

Sahin Boydas

Founder at @movielala-1, Serial Entrepreneur, Founder of @emoda-beyazkutu (exited)

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